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Wednesday 11 April 2012

Cooking Recipie for Crab Roast

Crab Roast


500 gm - crab
2 - onion
1 - tomato
3 tsp - chilli powder
1/2 tsp - turmeric powder
1 tsp - coriander seed powder
5 - green chillies
5 - garlic cloves
1 big piece - ginger
1/2 tsp - pepper powder
1 tsp - fennel seed
Coconut oil
1/2 tsp - mustard seeds
Curry leaves



  1. Heat oil in a pan (coconut oil is best) and add mustard seeds to splutter.
  2. Add chopped pieces of ginger and onion, garlic and curry leaves and fry.
  3. Then add all the masala and tomato and finally the crab.
  4. When it is cooked, add pepper powder and serve
  5. Add Grated Cocconut while adding masala for a better taste.


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